Sunday, July 7, 2013


If there is no God for thee
Then there is no God for me
If He sees not when you share
 With the poor your frugal fare,
 Does not see you at a grave,
Every instinct bred to save;
As if you were the only one 
Believing in a resurrection;
When you wait, as lovers do, 
Watching till your friend comes true;
Does not reverence when you take
 Angry words for love's sweet sake;
If his eye does not approve
All your faith and pain and love;
If the heart of justice fail 
And is for you of no avail;
If there is no heaven for thee
 Then there is no heaven for me.

If the Lord they tell us of
Died for men yet loves not love,
If from out His Paradise
He shuts the innocent and wise,
The gay, obedient, simple, good, 
The docile ones, of friendly mood,
Those who die to save a friend 
Heavenly faithful to the end;
If there is no cross for thee. 
Then there is no cross for me.

If its boughs reach not so high
That they bowed star and sky,
If its roots are not so sound
That they cleave the heavy ground,
If it thrills not through all Nature
 Plunged through every living creature,
If its leaves do not enmesh
 Every bit of groaning flesh,
If it strike no mighty spur
Through fang and claw and tooth and fur
Piercing tree and earth and stone,
 Then indeed I stand alone.
Nothing less than this can save
 Me, from out my fleshly grave,
Me, in whom such jungles are 
Where the beasts go out to war.

If there is no God for thee
 Then there is no God for me.

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