Wednesday, June 5, 2013


(From "Christmas-Night in the Quarters")
0 Mahsr! let dis gath'rin fin' a blessin' in yo' sight!
Don't jedge us hard fur what we does-yo' know it's Chrismus­ night;
An' all de balunce ob de yeah we does as right's we kin.
Ef dancin's wrong, 0 Mahsr! let de time excuse de sin!
We labors in de vin'ya'd, wukin' hard an' wukin' true;
 Now, shorely yo' won't notus, ef we eats a grape or two,
 An' takes a leetle holiday,-a leetle restin'-spell,­
Bekase, nex' week, we'll start in fresh, an' labor twicet as well.
Remember, Mahsr,-min' dis now,-de sinfulness ob sin
 Is 'pendin' 'pon de sperrit what we goes an' does it in;
An' in arighchis frame ob min' we's gwine to dance an' sing,
Meelin' like King David, when he cut de pigeon-wing.
It seems to me-indeed it do-I mebbe mout be wrong­
Dat people raly ought to dance, when Chrismus comes along;
 Des dance bekase dey's happy-like de birds hops in de trees,
 De pine-top fiddle soundin' to de bowin' ob de breeze.
We has no ark to dance afore, like Isrul's prophet king; 
We has no harp to soun' de chords, to holp us out to sing; 
But 'cordin' to de gif's we has we does de bes' we knows, 
An' folks don't 'spise de vi' let-flower bekase it ain't de rose.
Yes, bless us, please, Sah, eben ef we's doin' wrong tonight;
 Kase den we'll need de blessin' more'n ef we's do in' right; 
An' let de blessin's stay wid us, untel we comes to die, 
An' goes to keep our Chrismus wid dem sheriffs in de sky!
Yes, tell dem preshis anguls we's a-gwine to jine 'em soon: 
Our voices we's a-train in' fur to sing de glory tune;
We's ready when you wants us, an' it ain't no matter when. 
0 Mahsr!call yo' chillen soon, an' take 'em home! Amen.

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