Thursday, May 23, 2013


Three smart young men and three nice girls
All lovers true as steel­
Decided in a friendly way,
To spend the day awheel.
They started in the early morn,
And nothing seemed amiss;
And when they reached the leafy lanes,
They                in               like
        rode           twos            this!

They wandered by the verdant dale,
Beside the rippling rill;
The sun shone brightly all the while;
 They heard the songbird's trill.
They sped through many a woodland glade,
 The world was full of bliss­
And when they rested in the shade,
They sat             in twos            like this!

The sun went down and evening came,
A lot too soon, they said;
Too long they tarried on the way,
The clouds grew black o'erhead.
Down dashed the rain!
 They homeward flew.
Till one unlucky miss
Slipped sideways-crash! Great Scott!
The lot'

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