Thursday, May 23, 2013


The following beautiful composition, the original of which is in the G. A. R. hall museum at the State House, Topeka, Kansas, was captured during the Civil War, at Charleston, South Carolina, by a brother of Mrs. S. B. Helmer of Kendallville, Indiana; it is printed on very heavy satin and is quite a literary curiosity.

Thou to the Mercy-Seat our sollis doth gather,
To do our duty unto Thee,
Our Father,

To Whom all praise, all honor should be given,
For Thou art the Great God
Who art in heaven,

Thou by Thy wisdom rul'st the world's whole frame.
Forever, therefore,
Hallowed be Thy name;

 Let never more delays divide us from
Thy glorious grace, but let
Thy kingdom come,

 Let Thy commands opposed be by none,
But Thy good pleasure and
Thy will be done.

And let our promptness to obey,
 be even the very same
On earth as it is in heaven

Then for our sollis, a Lord, we also pray,
Thou wouldst be pleased to
Give us this day

The food of life, wherewith our souls are fed,
Sufficient raiment, and
Our daily bread;

With every needful thing do Thou relieve us,
And of Thy mercy, pity
And forgive us

An our misdeeds, for Him,
Whom Thou, didst please
To make an offering for
Our trespasses,

And for as much, 0 Lord, as we believe
That Thou wilt pardon us
As we forgive

Let that love teach, wherewith'
Thou dost acquaint us,  to pardon all
Those who trespass against us;

 And, though, sometimes,
Thou find'st we have forgot.
This love to Thee, yet help
And lead us not

Through soul or body's want to desperation,
Nor let earth's gain drive us
Into temptation,

Let not the soul of any true believer
Fall in the time of trial,
But deliver

Yea, save them from the malice of the devil,
And both in life and death, keep
 Us from evil,'

Thus pray we, Lord, for that of
 Thee from whom this may be had,
For thine is the kingdom,

This world is of Thy work,
 its wondrous story,  to Thee belongs.
The power and the glory

And all Thy wondrous works have ended never,
But will remain forever and

Thus we poor creatures would confess again,
And thus would say eternally
Charleston. South Carolina, July 4, 1823.

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